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HomeJunior Training Safety Guidelines



The following are general safety rules that are to be followed by everyone in the Junior Sailing Program. Junior Sailors will be asked to sign a copy of the rules and discipline policy, prior to the start of the program:


  1. No students on docks without supervision and a life jacket
  2. Life jackets must be worn and secured at all times on docks, boats, or in the water (by students, instructors, and coaches)
  3. Closed-toe footwear to be worn at all times
  4. No running
  5. No swimming (except with the permission of the instructors)
  6. No jumping off boats (except with the permission of the instructors)
  7. Respect one another -- no hitting, pushing, roughhousing
  8. Use respectful language -- no swearing, foul, or rude language
  9. No littering on land or water
  10. Stay with the class unless you have permission from an instructor to leave
  11. All sailors must make an effort to sail out and return to the docks together or with a buddy
  12. Prior to drills, all boats must stay within hailing distance of the safety/coach boat
  13. No destruction of club or private property
  14. No playing on or near A frame
  15. Watch fingers and feet between boats, docks, and moving parts
  16. Boats must be properly returned and put away after use
  17. Sailors much make every effort to avoid collisions