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HomeJunior Training Signup

Junior Sailing Class Signup

River Rats is offering four sessions this year: three two-week sessions and one session that is one week only. 

Sessions 1, 2 and 3 (dates below) will consist of two “classes”: one class meets three days a week (M-W-F Class) and the other class meets two days a week (T-Th Class). You can also elect to sign up for both classes so your child will attend every day during the two-week session. Please note that you cannot sign up for individual weeks or days within a session.

Session 4 will be a one-week session which will offer only one class which will meet five days that week. 

It is highly recommended to sign up for at least two classes across the four sessions, either in the same session or in different sessions. We feel this provides a better learning experience than only attending one class.


1. River Rats Members should login to the website *before* registering in order to receive their 35% discount.  Please go to “Member Login" in the upper right corner of the home page.  If you would like to become a member, click here.

2. Membership discounts are only available to family members who are active for the upcoming season. If you register early using last year's membership and do not register as a 
member for the current season, your discount will be forfeited and you will need to reimburse us.


Please read these instructions before signing up:

  • Identify the session(s) in which you are interested.
  • Click on the box corresponding to the class you want. This will bring you to a new tab providing details for the class.
  • Within this tab, select "Register Now" in the the top right corner.
  • You should next proceed to “Who is registering for this event?" 
  • Importantly, you should only select "Not Me, but I am registering __ others".  The blank is the number of students being registered.  Do not select "Me" or "Me + Guests”. 
  • Please note that "Me" is the the parent (you), and "Others" is the child (student).  Please don't sign up the parent🙂.
  • If you are a non-member, you will be asked for your "Personal Information".  Please enter your information (the parent's, not the child's).
    • When entering your Personal Information, please check the box "I agree to receive text messages from the River Rats Inc." so we can send texts warning of approaching thunderstorms.
If you are a Sustaining Member, the registration program will not permit you to register your child. Please log out and register as a member of the public.

   M-W-F  T-Th
Session 1
June 17 - June 28
 M-W-F Session-1  T-Th Session-1
Session 2
July 1 - July 12
 M-W-F Session-2  T-Th Session-2
Session 3
July 15th - July 26th
 M-W-F Session-3   T-Th Session-3 
Session 4
July 29th - Aug 2*
 M-T-W-Th-F Session-4  

* Please note that Session 4 is only 1 week and meets all 5 days (M-T-W-Th-F).

If you have any sign up questions, please contact by email, text, or phone as follows:

   Tim Ross      +1 862 591 8709